What makes Zman Magazine different from all other Jewish magazines?
The key word is "depth." Our mission is to cover timely and important events with a depth not commonly found elsewhere in the Torah-observant publishing world.
It's a lot like snorkeling. A snorkeler stands on the sandy shore and gazes out at the water. The surface is smooth and glassy. However, the sun reflecting off the top gives it a dark, murky look. Then the snorkeler wades into the water, puts on a mask and dives in. Suddenly, a whole world opens up -- especially if the waters are clear and the drop-off is steep. There is an entire alternate universe teeming with life down there. Coral.Sea anemones.Fish of all colors, shapes and sizes. None of this was visible from the surface.
The writers we have collected here at Zman have many talents, but above all the quality that characterizes them is"depth," an ability to dive deep beneath the surface, see things others do not commonly see and tell about them in a meaningful and engaging fashion.
The Torah-observant world today is blessed with an abundance of gifted, deep-thinking writers. Nevertheless, Zman not only has such writers but has given them the license to explore a topic in depth -- along with a print canvas wide enough to express themselves in full color, so to speak.
At the same time, we have Torah. Rabbi PaysachKrohn, arguably the Jewish world's most sought-after speaker, has a regular column. Additionally, Zman has featured columns and articles from R’ Yosef Viener, R’ Berel Wein, R’ Avigdor Miller, and more.
Try us out and let the content speak for itself. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, questions and critiques. Above all, enjoy Zman!
Yaakov Astor, Editor